As many of us have a set routine each day, get up, get ready, leave for work, often times we forget about the few extra minutes that need to be added to your schedule in the winter. Ensuring that you get in your car about five minutes before you need to leave and allowing it to warm up can help the longevity of your car.

Why should I warm up my car in the winter?

There are many fluids that run through various parts of your cars engine. Your car has oil, transmission fluid, brake fluid, washer fluid, as well as other lubricants in the motor. Allowing your car to warm up for just five minutes loosens up the fluids or lubricants so they better serve their purpose.

When warming up your car, be sure to be in or around your car while it is idling in the winter. In some cities you can receive a ticket if your car is running and you are not in or around it, you also do not want to take the risk of someone else driving away in your car.

If it has snowed or your windows or windshield needs to be scraped, be sure to start your car before you start cleaning your car. This will give your car the time it needs to warm up while you are cleaning your windows.

Be sure to contact Mr- Muffler today to schedule your pre-winter or winter maintenance today. Oil changes, tune ups, and brake repair should definitely be on your pre-winter to-dos!


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