Summer is fast approaching and that means a lot of things, road trips, beach time, and cabins just to name a few. How is your car or truck doing though? Do you wonder if it’s going to make it through the summer? Don’t wait till your broken down on the side of the road, get your car inspected and tuned up from Mr. Muffler.
Get your car inspected before you break down this summer. Come to Mr. Muffler!
When you have an older car or want to ensure your used car lasts longer. Regular check-ups and tune-ups are part of regular car maintenance. Also, getting your car checked out every oil change isn’t enough to ensure your car’s longevity. You may notice little things that are underperforming, be it your gas mileage, brake squeaks, or a loud noise coming from the engine. Don’t leave these things to chance, or worse, damage your car. Get your car checked out or inspected at Mr. Muffler in Westland.
Here at Mr. Muffler, we have a 21 point inspection that will help keep your car running longer. When you come into Mr.Muffler we’ll check your battery, car belts, fluids levels, filters, and breaks just to name a few. We make sure your car is running well and will be safe to drive on the road before you leave the shop. Make sure Mr. Muffler is part of your car’s pre-summer maintenance before you have any trouble getting your car inspected and tuned up.
When you get your car tuned up at Mr. Muffler, we check all your car’s regular wear and then some. We make sure that your spark plugs are working, check all your wires, and replace them if needed.
Finally, with the summer in full swing, you’ll want to ensure that your car can handle any trips or vacations you have planned, come into Mr. Muffler in Westland today!
Did you know that fall is the perfect time to get your car ready for winter? As the temperature in Michigan changes and you begin to prepare yourself for the frigid temps coming our way, it is important to ensure that you don’t forget to prepare your car as well. Here are the top five things to pay attention to when servicing your car during the fall:
When temperatures drop, roads become slippery and snowy. Checking that your tires are in good condition for winter is very important. Having proper threading on your tires is important not just for your car, but for your safety as well. Tires that are worn out tend to be called “bald” It is very important to have bald tires replaced prior to the winter. You might even look into buy tires that are made specifically for winter driving in Michigan.
Regardless of the weather, brakes are the most critical part of vehicle safety. Be sure to have your brake pads, as well as drums or rotors, checked. Be sure to contact our car maintenance professionals for information on brake services in Westland.
As winter arrives, cold weather is rough on your car battery. Checking the battery connections and
ensuring that there is no corrosion around the battery connections is important in allowing your battery to function properly. It is recommended to replace your battery after 3 years, going no more than 5 years without replacing your battery.
Who doesn’t want to stay warm during their daily commutes to and from work or school? Of course, having proper working heat is important to you, but it is also important for your car. Allowing your car to properly warm up and defrost helps fluids run smoothly through your vehicle’s engine and transmission. Remember, driving with a “birds-eye view” is extremely dangerous, be sure to let your windows properly defrost before hitting the road. Contact us now to have your heating/cooling checked.
If your windshield wiper blades are not doing very well clearing your windshield, unfortunately when ice and snow arrive, it is only going to get worse. The winter puts a lot of work on wiper blades because more often than not you aren’t just clearing water from your window, small ice formations are also being cleared, causing more wear and tear.
Of course, there are other important things to have checked before the cold air comes, such as getting an oil change, tune-up, or other winter car maintenance, but we wanted to share the top five fall maintenance tips to protect your safety during the winter.
Be sure to ask our auto professionals about winterizing your car.