Mr. Muffler’s full-service shop can help maintain your vehicle for years to come. From oil changes to brakes, we can handle it all. Michigan roads can be tough on all our vehicles. Tires and struts can be damaged by huge Michigan potholes. If your vehicle is in need of new tires, then visit Mr. Muffler today!
We sell brand new tires at great prices. In addition, we can rotate and mount your tires to have you back on the road in no time. With spring and summer right around the corner, now is a good time to get a radiator flush. Make sure your radiator is running its best when the hot temperatures set in.
Does your car or truck seem much louder than it uses to? Are you seeing something hanging from under your vehicle? It may be time for a new muffler. When searching for the best place for brake and muffler repair in Westland, the clear choice is Mr. Muffler!
Muffler repair can help your car or truck run smoother and quieter. With a damaged muffler, your vehicle can make extreme noises and may result in a ticket, having a properly mounted and functioning muffler limits the noise that comes from your engine. In addition, if you are starting to hear squeaks from your tires have your brakes inspected as well.
We hope you enjoy our new more user-friendly site! At Mr-Muffler, we take pride in providing local residents with a high-quality full-service auto repair shop where they can feel comfortable taking their vehicle for repairs. Our services include:
Give us a call today at 734-721-2800 or drop right in at 125 S. Wayne Rd., Westland, Michigan. Right on the corner of Cherry Hill and Wayne Road. Finally, visit us today and see what Mr. Muffler can do for you!
The one time I regretted not getting back to school auto repairs was in my senior year of college. Although my dad checked my car every time I came home, I knew something wrong a week later. My parking brake was making a horrible sound and producing some dust. On the way to the auto maintenance, something exploded violently underneath me. My breaks were not working so I desperately threw on the parking brake. I had blown a tire and destroyed a hose. That’s when I knew I needed to take car maintenance and repair seriously.
With summer vacation coming to an end, it’s time for back-to-school auto repairs! Students are finally able to go to classes this year. However, before you get back to your university lifestyle, you need to make sure your car is ready. Although back-to-school auto repairs were not as important last year, you need to do maintenance on your car before going to school.
Of course, all vehicles have a check engine light that pops on when something isn’t right. The light that makes our heartthrob at the thought of having to clean out our bank accounts to fix the car. Before you start going crazy if your check engine light comes on, know that it doesn’t always mean there is a drastic problem, there could just be a sensor issue causing the light to stay on. You definitely do not want to ignore the light completely, as there may be something wrong, but here are some other signs that your engine may need work. Bring it to Mr. Muffler to determine if you need service.
If your engine is rattling, or making loud noises that you are unfamiliar with, be sure to get your engine checked out at Mr. Muffler’s engine repair
Have you seen something like this in your driveway after pulling out? This is a tell tale sign that you have an oil leak.
center of Westland. Loud noises coming from your engine could be a sign that something is going bad, or has already gone bad. Before bringing in your vehicle, pay attention to the noise. Be able to explain to your mechanic if it is a rattle, a thumping, clicking, or if it is something else. The more you can explain it, the quicker your mechanic can find the source of the problem. Also, pay attention to whether or not your car is riding differently. Does it overheat? Is something vibrating? Does it feel like you are going to stall when idling?
Whether you are familiar with what is under your car hood or not, you may be able to spot something that just doesn’t look right. Look to see if anything looks disconnected, cracked, or completely broken. You may not know what the part is called, or why it broke, so bring it to the engine repair center at Mr. Muffler and we will pinpoint the problem, and get you back on the road as soon as possible.
When you pull out of your driveway in the morning, is there a wet spot on your driveway? When you left the gas station did you see some neon yellow/green fluid running from beneath your car? There are a ton of fluids that have important roles when driving your car. Seeing fluid on the ground beneath your car means that you have a leak. Common leaks are oil, transmission fluid, antifreeze, or brake fluid. If it is summertime and you are using your A/C be sure that the fluid you are seeing on the ground is not the A/C dripping. This is common as the condensation is falling. If you are unsure, or if you know that you have an important leak, bring your car or truck to our engine repair center at Westland’s Mr. Muffler.
Contact Mr. Muffler today to find out if your car may need service today!
Does your car or truck seem much louder than it uses to? Are you seeing something hanging from under your vehicle? It may be time for a new muffler. When searching for the best place for brake and muffler repair in Westland, the clear choice is Mr. Muffler!
Muffler repair can help your car or truck run smoother and quieter. With a damaged muffler, your vehicle can make extreme noises and may result in a ticket, having a properly mounted and functioning muffler limits the noise that comes from your engine. In addition, if you are starting to hear squeaks from your tires have your brakes inspected as well.
Mr. Muffler has decades of experience in muffler repair and will put their expertise to work for you. Of course, Mr. Muffler excels in mufflers, but did you know that in the Westland area, Mr. Muffler is the best place to go for brake repairs as well. Also, if you are hearing squeaking coming from your wheels or just trouble stopping, do not delay, bring your vehicle into Mr. Muffler for a brake inspection today.
Another give away from your brakes can be a certain smell. You may need just to replace the pads or the rotor as well. Bring your vehicle by today for an inspection. Our experienced service technicians can let you know exactly what you need to get your vehicle back to its former glory.
When it comes to brake and muffler repair in Westland, the best option is Mr. Muffler. Contact Us today or call 734.721.2800 if you are in need of auto service! If you are in Westland, Garden City, or surrounding areas, just stop on by and we will take a look at your vehicle and have you up in running in no time!